Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is 1750 the new normal?

Red is 1950 ppb of methane in the atmosphere and above. Gold is 1850 ppb to 1950 ppb. Yellow is 1750 ppb to 1850 ppb. 750 ppb was the standard before the year of 1850. Current levels are not sustainable. Greenland was in the news today. As you can see, Greenland has areas of methane that are 1950 ppb and above. Keep in mind, that red areas are above the ice. Gold is almost solid. This blanket of the powerful greenhouse gas of methane is heating up the atmosphere, especially above the Arctic. The methane over Greenland was also discussed in a recent post, at: http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2014/02/high-methane-readings-over-greenland.html

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